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DSC 9763

About us 

At St Simon’s we combine an evangelical emphasis on the exposition of Scripture with an appreciation of the spiritual treasures of historic liturgy. We seek to tell the true story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus which makes sense of who we are, where we came from and where we are going.

Whatever your background or beliefs we warmly invite you to St Simon’s.

Opening times

The church is generally open from 8am-6pm although there will be times when it is closed for a service or for other reasons.


Services are held at 10.00am and 6.30pm each Sunday. 

Morning Prayer at 10.00am will be broadcast live on the Church’s YouTube Channel. click here to watch >

During the Morning Service there is a thriving Sunday school and crèche to enable parents with children of all ages to attend the service. We also have a quiet room with a live video feed of the service for parents and carers who want to sit with babies.

Attending St Simon's is a wonderful opportunity to hear inspiring Bible teaching, spend time with old friends and make new ones, and ultimately to grow in faith.

You can download our full Term Card of services, events and information by clicking here >

Get in touch

Our Vicar Mike Neville or Curate Joe Ammoun communicate weekly with the church family by email.

We know that there are some people who come to St Simon’s for whom we do not have an email address. If you would like to receive these updates, please let the church office know using the contact form below.

Contact Us

We encourage anyone in the parish who needs support to let us know using the contact form, or by calling the church office on 020 7589 8999.

Planning your Visit