
If you would like to give to St Simon's, either as a
one-off donation or more regularly you can
download our Giving Form here >

If you pay tax in the UK and are eligible to
Gift Aid your donation, we receive an additional 25% from the UK government.

If you would like to give in
cash or cheque you can pick up an envelope at the back or in the pews of the church building. To return it, you can either give to a church helper at the end of a Sunday service or post it through the Church Office letterbox - 34 Milner St, SW3 2QF.

If you would like to give via a
contactless card or smartphone to give a donation of your choice. You can find a laminated sheet with a QR code and the details of how to do this at the back of the church building on your way in and out of St Simon's.
If you need to contact the Church or require more information then please use the link to contact form below.
Contact Us